P.B Jayasundara to Play the Drama Again...
P.B Jayasundara the ex-Treasury Secretary, after a few months back appointed again as the Srilanka Treasury Secretary. P.B. Jayasundara recently appealed the high court to remove the ban of assuming any government posts, that is imposed by ex chief justice Mr. Sarath N. Silva due to dishonest practice by P.B.
However Srilanka president has requested from P.B to assume the duties once again as the Treasury Secretary. Then P.B. accepted the request and appealed the high Court to remove his ban. Current Chief Justice Asoka De Silva has removed the P.B's Ban and allowed to him to assume duties of Treasury.
After assuming duties by the President Mahinda Rajapaksa, P.B. Jayasundara called a special meeting with executive officers of the Treasury to discuss the new strategies of the Secretary.